Sunday, June 29, 2014

Unexpected productivity

I've been writing Essay, Discussion and Quiz questions for the core texts I will be teaching. It took me forever to do half of Romeo and Juliet, but that was when I was unfocused, still forming a clear plan of action as to how I would shape my units plans. Now that I had those discrete categories I breezed through the rest: finished 3.5 acts of R&J and 2.5 sections of Of Mice and Men with lots of questions. Of course I need to make full plans and there are 4 more core texts to go - including lengthier texts like Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird. But at this rate, with all of July and half of August, I am in good shape to finish... Are there details I forgot to think about? I guess there is good ol' grammar - but I'm glad I won't start T1 (year one of teaching, analogous to Med schools' M1) in a panicked rush :)

I'll post some of my work soon. Multiple choice questions writing - because all on the factual recall level - is pretty effortless and even creative in the necessity for clever distractors! 

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