Saturday, July 19, 2014


TKAM Sequence:
Look at Pinterest 

Great Depression newspaper

Anticipation - are you a victim or witnessed one? Historical examples?
How would you describe our town? What history do you know of it?
Who are the outsiders of our community?

Scotsboro - how and why were they victims?
Harper Lee bio - why did she write it?
[Harold Bloom narrator - no qs, just prime]
What are values you have that you've been taught? 
What do you know about the South? Or what are your perceptions of it as an outsider? 
Theme of tradition vs. new
Would you want to live in Maycomb? 
Consequences to everyone of discrimination and exclusion (perhaps bc we are all outsiders at some point)"

Ch 1 - Say-Mean-Meaning and Narrator
Read Ch 2-3 and summarize
Write fr Miss Caroline's POV or about an adult you don't like or opinion about education/has a teacher ever not allowed you to be ahead?
See from the perspective of Jem, Atticus, Walter and Calpurnia. Speculate why they behave that way (social influence)
Do children have a greater sense of justice than adults? 

Great Gatsby/Death of a Salesman

Create a mural or a Mindmap of the another inteoductory video

What is the American dream? Who has fulfilled it? Look at images.
Look at PowerPoint of introduction to the times and jigsaw 

Huck Finn

Watch Mark Twain video
Anticipation - what kind of books should not be allowed in school?
Subquestion - reasons might be racism, bad writing, inaccurate
1840s readings/topics
Shirley Fisher - N-word and Twain (Key & Steele - now blacks themselves author the satire, 28 Reasons -,
Das Negro -,
Auction Block (after 30 sec)-
You Can Do Anything - based on - does comedy make racism excusable?)
River reading - what are your associations with rivers? what kind of person likes river-rafting? (connect to identity)

River Journals
Ch 1 - What strikes you about the language of the book and how do you feel? Begin char. chart as you read, with focus on language. Answer multiple-choice comprehension questions as you read.

Of Mice and Men
Look at images

Anticipation - when have your plans gone awry?
What do you know about the Great Depression?

Looking for symbols of light and dark, mood, inferring
Point of tragedy?

Romeo and Juliet
Mindmap of Shakespeare and mural 


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