Monday, August 4, 2014

Why do we read and write

Why do we read and write? John Green, bestselling teen fiction author, states that reading develops empathy for others' experiences. And the act of writing communicates those experiences and historical moments vividly. Therefore all activities in English need to facilitate these outcomes: remembering, connecting, deciphering meaning.

**students also need to be able to respond to literary criticism: no point in developing empathy if we don't fully know what we understand - reading others' interpretations and comparing to our own will help us know ourselves better and fully get the most out of our reading**

This is where to begin lesson plans and the first day of school - establish purpose and importance. So other subject at area teachers ought to discuss and align plans to:

1.) Why learn science? Teaches us to ask questions and detect patterns in life's organization. Understanding past research allows us to discover more mysteries. 
2.) Why learn math? Teaches us to 
3.) Why learn history?
4.) Why learn music? 
5.) Why learn art?

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